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Cornwall superfast broadband boost to create 4,000 new jobs

Manoj Solanki, Sunday October 3, 2010 - 4:33 PM

BT and the Cornwall council have announced a new project that will bring superfast fibre broadband to Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The project is set to cost around £132 Million, but is the exact amount is dependant on demand from local businesses.  BT will be investing £78.5 Million towards the project, plus further funds from the European Regional Development Fund.

The plan is to provide around 80 to 90 percent of local businesses and homes access to superfast broadband.

The majority of the network is to be based on Fibre-Optic broadband technology through FTTP (Fibre to the premises) and FTTC (Fibre to the cabinet). FTTP offers faster 100Mbps download speeds, whilst FTTC offers up to 40 Mbps download speeds.  It is due to be completed by 2014.

In more remote locations, other types of broadband will be deployed, including advanced copper (offering up to 20Mbps), wireless, and satellite.  BT is expecting that half of all connections will use FTTP, but the exact proportion is to be worked out through detailed surveys.

As well as creating 4,000 new jobs, a further 2,000 will be safeguarded through the plans.  BT says it is working closely with the Cornwall Development Company to plan deployments.

Once complete, the network will be available through BT’s wholesale arm to communications providers to resell.

Ian Livingston, chief executive of BT commented: “This is a very significant project that once again positions Cornwall as a broadband leader. It will make the county one of the best connected areas in the world and provide a major boost to its prosperity.”

Carolyn Rule, the Cornwall Council Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration, also welcomed the announcement: “This is a marvellous announcement for Cornwall that is going to give a huge boost to all areas of the economy. We are entering a new era for the development of businesses in Cornwall.”

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Article keywords:   Broadband Investment, Bt, Cornwall, Isles Of Scilly