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Internet channels boost Olympic coverage

Manoj Solanki, Thursday August 21, 2008 - 12:49 PM

The Internet is helping more and more people keep up to date with the Beijing Olympics.

Coverage of the Beijing 2008 games through TV, online and mobile channels has been remarkable, and has practically reached all corners of the world. The IOC launched online channels to reach 77 territories in Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

The IOC also saw record levels of website traffic for its own website and the official Beijing Olympic games website.

Timo Lumme, director of TV and marketing services at the IOC (International Olympic Committee), said that the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games “looks to be the biggest broadcast event in the Olympic history” at a press conference.

In another recent survey, it was found that huge numbers of Chinese workers are using the Internet to watch the Olympics at work, where connections are faster and generally more reliable. Internet live streaming and replays of events was found to be high on weekdays when work was interfering with televised Olympics events.

The IOC found that 102 million people in China watched live broadcasts of the Games online in the first 12 days. Another 146 million people watched online video on demand or delayed online coverage of the Olympics.

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